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Materials discovery and molecular engineering of monolithic MOFs

Dr. Elena Ávila
University of Cambridge
Tuesday, 08 March 2022 12:00


MOFs, one of the most exciting advances in porous materials science in the last years, are functional crystalline solids consisting of long-range lattices built up from organic linkers and inorganic metal ions or clusters, connected by coordination bonds. With more than 90,000 structures published in the last 20 years, MOFs have demonstrated to be excellent candidates for gas adsorption and purification. On the other hand, traditional shaping strategies, such as pelletisation, use of bind-ers or mechanical processes, have a detrimental impact on the adsorption proper-ties of MOFs, hampering their penetration in the industry, where high flow pressures and high efficiencies are required.

In a critical step to enhance the applicability of MOFs, we have developed novel densified, conformal monolithic MOFs with mechanical and volumetric properties that outperform those of any previous porous material. Beyond this, MOFs also present pore sizes and shapes, as well as surface chemistry, that can be finely tuned, and porous networks that can host different types of guests with control over confinement grade. This synergy results in a alternative for different applications ranging from drug delivery to catalysis, together with the additional gain of having tunable properties, high performances and material longevity with a minimised material volume.

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