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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Electrical AFM for Nanoelectronics

Prof. Umberto Celano
Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC), Belgium
Monday, 07 March 2022 16:30

The event will happen in-person at Hinarejos Room and online. 

Link to online seminarhttps://nanoscience-imdea.zoom.us/j/96199982845?pwd=RXlmc0kraHZ4ZWpjcCtkUmNXKzFFZz09

Abstract: Next generation nanoelectronics for logic and memory are based on devices increasingly smaller, more three-dimensional in shape and containing even more types of materials. Therefore, the evaluation of nanometre-scale materials properties, including carrier profiling, strain, electrical and chemical sensing, becomes essential for a deep interpretation of device’s functionalities. Here, I will present the broad role played by scanning probe microscopies for the characterization of state-of-the-art CMOS devices with emphasis on dopant and carrier profiling as studied by two- and three-dimensional methods.

 Bio: Umberto Celano is a Principal Member of Technical Staff with imec (Belgium) and Assistant Professor at the University of Twente (The Netherlands), with expertise in materials analysis for semiconductor technology, device physics and nanoscale functional materials. He has an electrical engineer background and a master’s in nanoelectronics. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Leuven - KU Leuven (Belgium) in 2015, working to establish a novel three-dimensional nanoscale imaging technique that combines sensing with sub-nm material removal to study materials in confined volumes. Currently, Dr. Celano’s research interests encompass nanoelectronics, nanophotonic, functional materials and VLSI materials analysis. In these areas, he conducted research in various institutions including KU Leuven, Osaka University and Stanford University.