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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different
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  • Nanostructured Functional Surfaces
  • Projects
  • BiSURE Superficies nanoestructuradas biofuncionales como nueva generación de implantes en medicina regenerativa

BiSURE Superficies nanoestructuradas biofuncionales como nueva generación de implantes en medicina regenerativa

Dra. M. Isabel Rodríguez Fernández & Dra. Teresa González

BiSURE Superficies nanoestructuradas biofuncionales como nueva generación de implantes en medicina regenerativa
    Funding :

    Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. Retos investigación 2017. DPI2017-90058-R

    Duration: 2018 - 2020

The BiSURE project aims at two important issues: the bacteria infection on artificial implanted materials and the attachment and regeneration of neuron cells by neural implant interfaces. To address these issues, we will focus on developing nanofabrication processes from design to fabrication of nanostructure-enabled functional surfaces based on cost effective and scalable technologies such as template-assisted electrodeposition and nanoimprint lithography.

Effective designs for antibacterial surfaces will be based on non-resistance causing biomimetic bactericidal topographies as those found on insects. This involves the fabrication of nanoscopic surface features via nanoimprinting that produce a mechanical rupturing effect on adherent bacteria. The designs of neural interfaces will be based on the fabrication of organized metallic nanowires on the surface of microelectrodes plates via templated electrodeposition.